Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is based on the natural movement and rhythm of cerebral spinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord--from the cranium to the sacrum. This ever-present physiological Craniosacral rhythm (CSR) is comparable to the respiratory or cardiac rhythm, but is deeper and more subtle. The therapist monitors the CSR to assess and release restrictions throughout the body. Releasing restrictions helps all body systems to function optimally. Our bodies have an innate mechanism that strives for homeostasis or balance. CST does not diagnose or treat specific disorders, but provides the body with the potential for rebalancing itself. CST techniques affect every body system, improving whole-body health, and relies on the body's innate wisdom (your 'Inner Physician') to correct itself. It particularly addresses the membranes surrounding the central nervous system, and can reset the autonomic nervous system, which can become locked in fight/flight or freeze from stress, illness or trauma.
A CST session is done with the client clothed and comfortably lying on the table. Using a very gentle touch--with pressure no greater than 5 grams--the therapist "listens", allowing the body to make the changes it requires. What you experience during a CST session will be unique to you. You may experience deep relaxation; others describe sensations as the body releases holding patterns in the fascia. Memories and feelings surrounding a past injury or trauma may surface. These are indications of your Inner Physician moving toward change. Because each individual response to CST is unique, the number of sessions required to address any particular condition will vary from person to person.
A CST session is done with the client clothed and comfortably lying on the table. Using a very gentle touch--with pressure no greater than 5 grams--the therapist "listens", allowing the body to make the changes it requires. What you experience during a CST session will be unique to you. You may experience deep relaxation; others describe sensations as the body releases holding patterns in the fascia. Memories and feelings surrounding a past injury or trauma may surface. These are indications of your Inner Physician moving toward change. Because each individual response to CST is unique, the number of sessions required to address any particular condition will vary from person to person.
Session Rates
60 minutes ~ $95 Package of 5 ~ $425
90 minutes ~ $130
90 minutes ~ $130
Gift Certificates
Craniosacral Intake Form
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If you do not have access to a printer, you may fill out forms on your first appointment.
How Can Craniosacral Therapy Help Me?
Visit the Upledger Institute page to learn more about how Craniosacral Therapy can help certain conditions.
Visit the Upledger Institute page to learn more about how Craniosacral Therapy can help certain conditions.
The Upledger CST Paradigm
"In CST, we access the craniosacral system, a part of the central nervous system, by listening through palpation, and blending with the body’s tissues. CST uses a whole-person approach, guided by the person’s innate intelligence, the Inner Wisdom/Physician, to treat the person, not the disease or dysfunction. The therapist acts as a therapeutic facilitator, using the least amount of pressure and influence necessary to support the person’s self-empowerment and healing process with compassion and empathy. A goal of CST is to help the person to restore and optimize the functional operation of the body.
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive manual treatment approach that works with the natural self-correcting mechanisms of the body. Its focus is largely upon the craniosacral system (CSS), which consists of the membranes and fluids that surround the brain and spinal cord. The CSS has the ability to influence every system in the body, such as the musculoskeletal, neurological, immune, digestive, endocrine, etc. Palpation of the CSS allows detection and release of core issues so that the treatment focuses on the cause of dysfunction rather than symptoms."
A quote from Dr. John Upledger:
"I have gone from being a hardline scientist who required proof, to believing that what I see or experience is true, even though I may not know how it happens. I have become a clinical-outcome person who would rather observe and accept what I see than reject an observation, experience, or practice because it has not yet been scientifically proven. If it is very low-risk or totally risk-free, and it seems reasonable, I'll try it. After all, if we can't use something until we understand it, then we shouldn't be using gravity."
"In CST, we access the craniosacral system, a part of the central nervous system, by listening through palpation, and blending with the body’s tissues. CST uses a whole-person approach, guided by the person’s innate intelligence, the Inner Wisdom/Physician, to treat the person, not the disease or dysfunction. The therapist acts as a therapeutic facilitator, using the least amount of pressure and influence necessary to support the person’s self-empowerment and healing process with compassion and empathy. A goal of CST is to help the person to restore and optimize the functional operation of the body.
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive manual treatment approach that works with the natural self-correcting mechanisms of the body. Its focus is largely upon the craniosacral system (CSS), which consists of the membranes and fluids that surround the brain and spinal cord. The CSS has the ability to influence every system in the body, such as the musculoskeletal, neurological, immune, digestive, endocrine, etc. Palpation of the CSS allows detection and release of core issues so that the treatment focuses on the cause of dysfunction rather than symptoms."
A quote from Dr. John Upledger:
"I have gone from being a hardline scientist who required proof, to believing that what I see or experience is true, even though I may not know how it happens. I have become a clinical-outcome person who would rather observe and accept what I see than reject an observation, experience, or practice because it has not yet been scientifically proven. If it is very low-risk or totally risk-free, and it seems reasonable, I'll try it. After all, if we can't use something until we understand it, then we shouldn't be using gravity."
What to Expect After Your Session
In this 30-minute video Craniosacral therapists share the craniosacral system and the impact of John Upledger's life and work ~ Touch: The Healing Legacy of Dr. John E. Upledger .
Please note: There are medical conditions in which CST is not recommended. They include any condition in which slight changes in intracranial pressure would cause instability, such as acute aneurysm, recent skull fracture, recent epidural or spinal tap, and cerebral hemorrhage or other severe bleeding disorder. If you have questions about whether these situations apply to you, seek the advice of your physician before receiving a CST session. It is also advised that you have a medical team in place to support you in the event past traumas resurface.
At this time I do not treat infants or toddlers. Children age 12 and above can be scheduled. A list of therapists who see younger children are here Links.
Payment is expected at the time of service.
Cash, personal checks or credit cards accepted. Zelle and Venmo are touchless payment options available.
Kindly allow 24-hour notice to reschedule or cancel your appointment.
Cash, personal checks or credit cards accepted. Zelle and Venmo are touchless payment options available.
Kindly allow 24-hour notice to reschedule or cancel your appointment.